
Please note that your registration for abstract submission is independent from your registration as a conference participant. 

Presenting Authors must register for the conference prior to the submission of an abstract and attend the session in which the abstract is scheduled.


  • Abstract Submission Opens: 26/01/2025
  • Abstract Submission Deadline: 11/05/2025
  • Notification to Authors: From 19/05/2025


After submission, all abstracts will be reviewed by the members of the scientific committee. Based on the reviews and the number of abstracts received: 

  • Abstracts submitted for oral presentations may be accepted for an oral session, proposed for a poster session, or rejected.
  • Abstracts submitted for poster sessions may be accepted for a poster session or rejected.


  • Your abstract must contain between 0 and 2300 characters. A counting tool is available below the « save » button.
  • Only one presenter is allowed per abstract. The details of your presentation session and the duration of your talk will be provided after the reviewing process.
  • Poster should be printed in portrait format with dimensions 120cm x 90cm (A0)